Businesses in Central Texas and elsewhere seek to combine for widely varied reasons.
The owners of an established company might be looking for a buyer to simply cash out and proceed to next-step opportunities. Partners are perhaps retiring. A business model might have run its course and can optimally exist going forward only through the diversification afforded via linkage with another enterprise.
On the flip side of that, business principals in strong growth mode often view acquisition as a logical strategy for erasing competition. An in-depth article on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) also notes the common view that “the fastest and best way to grow a business is to buy an existing operation, rather than building up a sector from scratch.”
Whatever the bottom line might be, it is manifestly evident that parties on both sides of a would-be M&A transaction must be timely and fully prepared to deal with the multiple steps and complexities involved in the process.
Candidly, those can’t be overstated. The bottom line regarding the sale of a business or acquisition of a targeted enterprise is that success — or failure – of a contemplated transaction lies in attention to the details.
We prominently note that at the long-tenured Central Texas business law firm of Blazier, Christensen, Browder & Virr in Austin. We stress on our website that, “Careful planning from the outset is essential to a successful sale, merger or acquisition.”
Our deep legal team routinely helps diverse and valued business clients secure their M&A goals in optimally efficient and best-case ways, with our attorneys collectively bringing many decades of proven representation to the task.
We welcome contacts to our firm and the opportunity to discuss how informed legal strategy and processes can promote an enterprise’s best interests and future business prospects.