What do you need to know about construction project contracts?

Construction design causes complications for a variety of people in Texas, including property owners, suppliers, mortgage lenders, engineers and general contractors. Many of these people must work together to ensure the successful completion of a construction site. Multiple interests working together may result in significant disputes over construction site completion. To reduce the potential for disputes, consider using construction project contracts.

What does a construction contract do?

A construction contract provides a legal agreement between clients and contractors. The contract clearly details the terms and specifications for each project.

Most common examples of construction project contracts

Construction law includes multiple types of contracts to protect clients and contractors. A typical construction contract may contain up to ten different documents to protect the various interests involved in a project.

These include the following types of contracts:

  • Scope of Work: This contract lists all of the work that is to be done on a project, the materials used, and which party is responsible for the completion.
  • General Conditions: This contract explains the overall conditions, relationships, and responsibilities.
  • Special Conditions: Although this contract may not apply to every construction site, some jobs may require a specific job that must be accomplished that does not fit with general conditions.

Other factors included in construction contracts

Construction contracts frequently include details about the following information:

  • Unit prices
  • Guaranteed maximum prices
  • Materials
  • Estimated time to completion
  • List of insurances
  • Drawings


Whether you are planning a house or a business, all big dreams start with a construction project. Any construction contract should include multiple documents to protect the interests of everyone involved with the project, and these multiple documents can make construction law complex.

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